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Title Sponsor

Title Sponsor

  • Listing as Title Sponsor, with your logo featured on:
    • Conference Website (separately featured from all other sponsors)
    • Conference sponsorship signage
    • All email correspondence with attendees
    • Cover of the Conference Booklet
    • Front of Conference Swag Bag
    • All digital marketing materials, including targeted social media ads
  • Listing as Title Sponsor with your logo featured on screen before and after sessions and during breaks.
  • Exclusive time to welcome attendees at opening session and/or play promo video (5 minutes total).
  • Information and/or specialty item added inside the conference swag bag (sponsor provided)
  • Complimentary exhibit table in a premier location.
  • Banner with your logo displayed at the conference.
  • List of conference ticket holders with contact info provided 7 days in advance of the conference.
  • List of conference actual attendees with contact info provided within 24 hours of conference end.
  • Full-page inside cover ad in the program book.
  • Six (6) complimentary VIP tickets for the conference.
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